How To Bid

How to Bid


Sign In or Register for a new account by clicking Sign In

Enter your account details if you are a Returning Customer or click Continue under New Customer 

Once logged in search for the lot you wish to bid on. If you have not already paid your membership fee you will see the option Join Auction.

LRC Motorcycle Auctions has a yearly membership fee of £100

Follow the checkout procedure to purchase your membership fee after clicking Join Auction

Once the membership has been purchased returned to the lot you wish to bid on, Enter the value of your bid and click Place My Bid (Bids are in £50 integers)

To View your bid navigate to the My Account button

Click on View Your Bids on the left hand side of the screen

From here you can see Running Auctions, Winning Auctions and Didn't WIn.

On the Winning Auctions tab if you have won a lot you will see circles in Blue the final sale value of the item and in red the 5% deposit which MUST BE PAID WITHIN 24 HOURS This can be done by clicking the  Buy Now button.

Final Sale Value Percentage Charge
£0 - £1000 13%
£1001 - £3000 10%
£3001 - £10,000 7%
£10,001 +  4.5%

All sales are subject to final value sale fees as per the displayed chart + VAT

Once you have paid your 5% deposit through the website you must contact us to pay the remainder of the balance within 5 business days.

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